Get to know our new MVP Intern, Adyn Heinricy!

If you plan to attend any of our upcoming events or programs, you will have a chance to meet our new MVP Intern, Adyn Heinricy.

With a passion for supporting entrepreneurs and creating memorable events, Adyn is a natural at bringing people and ideas together. We’re thrilled to have her on board and can’t wait for you to get to know her better.

Check out our Q&A with Adyn below to learn more about how she will be contributing to enhance the Startup Sioux Falls community and our programs and events!


What motivated you to join Startup Sioux Falls as an MVP intern, and what are you most excited about in this role?

The MVP Intern position combines my two greatest passions: supporting entrepreneurs and creating memorable events. I have a natural inclination to bring people & ideas together, so when this opportunity arose, it was a no-brainer for me! I have such a deep appreciation for Startup Sioux Falls and all that this organization does for the community. I am beyond excited to work alongside this great group of innovators and to serve the community of Sioux Falls together. 

Can you share a bit about your background and any previous experiences that have prepared you for this internship?

South Dakota has been home for me all my life! I attended South Dakota State University and received my degree in Entrepreneurial Studies & Event Planning in 2022. I’ve always had a special spot in my heart for small businesses. Before joining the Startup team, I was the Special Events Coordinator for another local business. I currently work part-time as a Venue Manager at the beautiful new Monick Yards as well!

What projects or initiatives will you be focusing on during your time with us, and how do you hope to contribute to our community?

My main focus at Startup will be supporting the event planning process & execution. I hope to bring fresh ideas and to be another welcoming face on this team of creators! 

What are some of your personal interests or hobbies outside of work that you’d like the community to know about?

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that my hobbies from last month are probably not the same ones as this month. (But if brunch is a hobby, then that one is my favorite right now.) I very much enjoy visiting new places, meeting new people, and trying things outside of the typical. While I do love to be on-the-go, I treasure slow weekends at the lake with my favorite people. And if it’s worth anything, 9 times out of 10 you can probably find me at a local coffee shop. 

How can the community best support you in your new role, and what are you looking forward to learning or achieving while you’re here?

I am so grateful to be supported by this community, and I look forward to meeting lots of new faces over the next several months. Please introduce yourself if we haven’t already met!