Compensation: Making Heads or Tails of Pay Decisions

Online webinar

Does your organization have a compensation philosophy ā€“ or plan? Do you make decisions based on pre-determined research and analysis, or do you feel like you are having to react to a rapidly changing marketplace? Do you know where to find accurate and valid data when you do need information? This session will help put…


Enhancing Your Social Media & Online Recruiting Presence

Online webinar

Recruiting keeps getting more complicated, and gaining visibility and traction relative to other job posts is extremely difficult. This session will focus in on some of the tips weā€™ve found that can help you be more successful in your recruiting. Weā€™ll look at the importance of language and key words, and at the increasing requirements…


Friday the 13th: Scary HR Stories!

Online webinar

The world of HR keeps getting more complicated, with changing court decisions and expanding employment laws. And, at the same time, people still make stupid decisions. Combine those two things and you have the potential for disaster. This session will focus on some of the changing trends in employment, some of the common mistakes we…

Are You at Risk?

Online webinar

Join us for an insightful one-hour webinar designed to review the critical components of Human Resource (HR) Risk Assessment. In this session, we will delve into a comprehensive analysis of nine fundamental aspects integral to HR operations. Our aim is to identify potential risks and strategize effective solutions to mitigate challenges, ensuring a robust and…


FLSA: Overtime Exemption Rules – What You Need to Know!


The Department of Labor has laid out salary threshold changes for white collar and highly compensated exemptions that take effect July 1 and January 1. Alternative HR will discuss implications and ripple effects, and answer questions about implementation.